Ethical Statement.

We will endeavour to use people and information only with their consent. We will also will ensure no one comes to harm during the production of this documentary and nobody feels uncomfortable during filming. We will also ensure there are no trip hazards and our project will not damage anything. Minors and vulnerable people will only filmed if there is permission from all concerned parties and there will be notice for be people who don’t want to be filmed.


I had the idea of maybe conducting the video as they do on programmes such as Grand Designs, this way there would be a narrator and the historical information would be put across in this way.


However I felt this would be hard to do to a good quality, and finding the appropriate narrator/host would be a difficult decision. Also having the information come from people who work there would make it more personal to them and the community.

Paper Cover.

Although I have had to make a paper cover, I have kept the original design I wanted. As I couldn’t use an oven glove I have put the quilted pattern in the background of my cover to resemble an oven glove. I have then drawn the mountain looking design from the album ‘Unknown Pleasures’ by Joy Division and added the title of the song to it.

Screen Shot 2016-01-19 at 14.43.47.png

Once printed out the design I had drawn on using Photoshop appears to be blurry, maybe this is something to do with the brush type I used.

Draft Images.

Before doing my final images, I did some draft images using a friend to gain an idea of what the final images will look like.

I took images of the model doing chores and everyday things. In my final images the model will be wearing a robe and a queen mask, and will be doing similar things.

After taking these images I decided to add type onto them, as I thought this would help people understand the images better. I tried a range of colours to see which looked best.

I used colours I would associate with the royal family, and writing I think would make people understand the images better.

After a crit, I was told that having the typography on the images made them seem like a campaign which isn’t what approach I wanted to take, so I decided against using the type.

Breif, Context & Initail Ideas.

Brief: Visually communicate what the country would be like without a monarchy.

Context: Three-quarters of the population want Britain to remain a monarchy, however does this statistic support the monarchy or The Queen? It is an outdated institution that isn’t appropriate for the 21st century. There are many for and against arguments, including things to do with tax, the church and tourism. I personally think the monarchy is irrelevant and that The Queen has no real power.





Queen shopping.


Queen washing up.


Queen smoking.

I would create these using photography and a model dressed up as the queen, i could do many more of this sort with different activities.

After showing my initial sketches to peers, I gained feedback that they liked the idea and thought it would be effective but at the same time humorous. They preferred this idea to the ideas I had involving stamps and bank notes.