Paper Cover.

Although I have had to make a paper cover, I have kept the original design I wanted. As I couldn’t use an oven glove I have put the quilted pattern in the background of my cover to resemble an oven glove. I have then drawn the mountain looking design from the album ‘Unknown Pleasures’ by Joy Division and added the title of the song to it.

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Once printed out the design I had drawn on using Photoshop appears to be blurry, maybe this is something to do with the brush type I used.


For my cover, I originally wanted it to be an oven glove, to go with the song.

The first problem I had was that I couldn’t find a black oven glove. So I decided to go with orange, which goes against the idea of having no colour in the outside of the book.

When I got the oven glove home, my book was too big to just slot into the hands of the glove. I then unstitched it and it and tried to put it back together in a way that would fit around my book. I was unsuccessful in doing this, so have decided to go with a paper cover for my book.


Final Layout.

For my final layout I decided to go with white writing on a black background as this is what the Half Man Half Biscuit logo looks like.hmhb-achtung-bono.jpg

I also decided on ‘Stencil’ for my font as it was the closest I could find to the font above.

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For my illustrations I drew them in my sketchbook, as finals, and then scanned them into the computer. I then put them into photoshop to change the levels and contrast, getting rid of any pencil smudges/marks that may have been there.

After I’d done this I then put the images into InDeisgn and arranged them appropriately.